
The Franciscan School strives to create a faith-filled environment that draws each member of the community closer to Christ. We believe that this is the strength and heart of our school – and it’s what sets us apart. Nurturing our students in a prayerful environment with Catholic traditions allows us to develop a strong sense of community, provide a truly holistic education and launch gifted, gracious leaders into the world. To cultivate this environment, we introduce our students to the concepts of hospitality, generosity, and service early on – and we develop daily, weekly and monthly rhythms that root our entire community in faith.
Morning Prayer
Each day, our entire school community gathers in the courtyard for Morning Prayer. During this time, students share a reading, intentions and prayers for the day ahead. The pledge of allegiance is said and special announcements and birthdays are shared with the school. Every class will lead morning prayer at least once during the academic year. Family members are always welcome to join this special tradition.
Community Mass
Each week we gather in the church as a community to celebrate the Eucharist at Mass. Mass is led each week by students. Our students serve as altar servers, cross bearers, greeters, gift bearers and readers. Family members are always welcome to join.
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching embodies seven key themes: Life and Dignity of the Human Person; Call to Family, Community, and Participation; Rights and Responsibilities; Option for the Poor and Vulnerable; The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers; Solidarity; and Care for God’s Creation.
At The Franciscan School, we see Catholic Social Teaching as an essential part of our faith. Throughout the year, our faculty and students focus on the themes through various discussions and service activities. By incorporating Catholic Social Teaching into the fabric of our school, we are helping our students become more fully formed in Catholicism, develop a deeper understanding of how they can serve and operate in the world around them, and embody caring and compassionate hearts in them.
Some additional traditions: Prayer Buddies, Stations of the Cross, May Crowing, Living Rosary, First Grade Week-long Nativity Play, Fourth grade St. Francis Play, and Saint Nicholas Celebration.