STEM, STEAM, STREAM. These buzzwords have floated around the academic world for many years, but how do they apply to The Franciscan School (TFS)?
As one of the inaugural kindergarten students at The Franciscan School, Matt Wacenske experienced many firsts in his elementary and middle school grades.
One of the most unique and lesser known attributes of The Franciscan School (TFS) is the wide range of electives offered to middle school students.
Some people just know what they want to do at a very young age. They may need some reassurance along the way, but their career choice is often something they are
Before the doors first opened at The Franciscan School, there were feelings of excitement and anticipation of the unknown.
“The young people of this generation have such amazing potential, and the insight and gifts that they share with me every day are simply amazing.”
At The Franciscan School, specials and electives are an integral part of the overall education and character-building experience of the school.
The journey to becoming a lawyer can be long and strenuous, but for The Franciscan School alumni Dan McCrorie, it’s his roots at TFS that have prepared him for
In the fast-paced, technology-focused world around us, creativity and innovation have never been more important.
For those who have been around collegiate athletes, you may know the discipline, time management, and physical demands it takes to compete at that level. For TFS