A Cherished Tradition: First Graders Craft Rosaries for First Communicants

In second grade, students participate in a special sacrament, First Communion. Before this happens each May, our first graders gift their fellow second graders a unique, homemade rosary. 

The tradition of making rosaries for our First Communicants has stood at TFS since its founding in 2000. It reminds us that we are a Catholic Franciscan school, where our faith is woven into everything we do. It is also a symbolic representation of how our community supports one another as each child grows. “This unique tradition is a service project that brings such joy to our close-knit community,” shares the second-grade team. 

Mrs. Franchi, a current second-grade teacher, previously was an ITA in first grade. “I was able to directly see the impact of first-grade students preparing the rosaries, knowing they would be in second grade next year.” Last year, Mrs. Franchi also had a son in second grade who was a recipient of a rosary, so she personally felt the impact it had on him as well. 


Beginning in April, a committee of parents orders all the supplies and puts them into individual kits. Parent volunteers join the classroom as the students work to make their rosaries, typically in the school color blue. Students also create a card for their second-grade buddy and decorate the bag for their rosary. First graders are proud and excited to make the rosaries and hand them out. Second graders enjoy reflecting on the year before when they made rosaries, and many of them feel a special connection with the student who prepares their rosaries.

The rosaries are blessed at an all-school Mass and given to the second graders in May. Several students often store their rosaries in special rosary boxes. 

Principal Dawn Smith has a deep appreciation for our rosaries tradition. “It is so wonderful to witness how our first-grade students make beautiful rosaries, a meaningful gift for our second-grade students as they prepare to receive their First Holy Communion,” Principal Smith shares. “This special tradition reflects the spirit of faith, love, and community that defines TFS.”


In October each year, the school leads a living rosary, and students in third grade and up enjoy bringing their special rosary to participate. Second-graders look forward to this tradition and radiate pure joy. 

We treasure our beloved traditions and the meanings behind them. We look forward to watching this tradition unfold over the next two months!

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