NEWS - The Franciscan School

Alumni Spotlight: Brian Emery '12

Written by The Franciscan School | Sep 19, 2024 12:50:58 AM

“TFS is like home to me.” For Brian Emery, much of his growing up happened in the hallways at The Franciscan School. Beginning as a preschooler at St. Francis of Assisi Preschool, Brian attended TFS from kindergarten through eighth grade, graduating in 2012. “TFS is where I started to become who I am now,” shares Brian. “In the end, no matter where I go, I know TFS will always be there.”

During his time at TFS, Brian made lasting friends from the classroom to the basketball court. One of his favorite memories was winning the eighth-grade conference basketball tournament. He also enjoyed the Shamrock Tournament and the pep rally beforehand, sharing that the pep rally was such a special send-off after a season of hard work. Brian’s coaches at the time, Coach Friedman and Coach Willard, made an impressionable impact on his life. “Whether it was on the basketball court or living as a young man, the lessons they instilled in us were applicable across all areas of life,” says Brian.

Following his time at TFS, Brian attended Cardinal Gibbons High School, where he graduated in 2016. He then went on to N.C. State University, receiving his bachelor’s of business administration. During his time in college, Brian held a sales and marketing internship at LeafFilter Gutter Protection and worked in outside operations at the Raleigh Golf Association. 

While at N.C. State, Brian shared that he learned two important lessons that he knows will stick with him for the rest of my life. The first is, “Control what you can control; don’t worry about the rest. It’s hard not to get caught up in the many challenges you’ll encounter. What matters is ensuring you’ve done everything in your power to ensure success.” Brian’s second lesson from college is that “Nothing will ever be handed to you. You must go out and get it; don’t let the reason you are not where you want to be because of anyone else.”

After Brian graduated from N.C. State University, he began his career as a Solution Sales Specialist at IBM. He soon moved to the tech company Kyndryl, where he has been for the last three years as a Senior Lead in Sales Enablement. When looking towards his future career aspirations, Brian knows one thing to be true: he wants to make a difference. “There have been a lot of people who have given me advice, guided me through challenges, and helped make me successful. Ultimately, I want to do the same thing for others.”

Between workdays, Brian enjoys hanging out with his dog, Jax, who came into his life during his sophomore year. He also enjoys playing golf and trying new courses.

When thinking about words of wisdom he could share with current TFS students, Brian says, “Don’t worry about having it all figured out yet. It’s been a long time since I attended TFS. I’ve changed my mind plenty of times and learned some hard lessons along the way. It is all a part of the journey. Enjoy where you are at and take your time growing up. Also, be kind to everyone. You never know who you will run into later down the road, and first impressions last a lifetime.”