Alumni Spotlight: Noah Langbo '20

Sometimes, it takes getting through an experience to fully appreciate its impact. 

Noah Langbo, a 2020 alumnus, attended TFS from 1st through 8th grade, graduating in the middle of a pandemic. “I don't think I fully appreciated the experiences and values instilled in me from my time at TFS until years after I had graduated,” shares Noah. “Not only do I think that TFS prepared me fully to enter into a rigorous high school curriculum, but it also contributed to my development as an individual ready to contribute to our world with kindness and compassion.”

And a rigorous high school curriculum Noah did indeed have. While he attended Raleigh Charter High School by day, he also attended the North Carolina School of Science and Math, where he participated in their online program by taking additional classes in the evenings for the past two years. And in the summer of 2023, Noah spent seven weeks living in Morganton, N.C., to train as an Emergency Medical Technician. Following more than 216 hours of classes, 48 hours of live-patient clinicals, and extensive tests and homework, Noah was just one of 13 students who sat for the state and national EMT exams - in which he passed both exams. Noah is now certified as a Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician.

“This incredible experience last summer further solidified my passion for pursuing a career in medicine,” Noah says. Noah graduated high school earlier this month, but he is eager for what’s next. In the Fall, Noah will be attending Brown University, pursuing an interdisciplinary education in public health. After this, he hopes to pursue his medical degree. He aspires to one day intertwine all of his interests - medicine, law, and business - to work in hospital administration. 

From his days at TFS, Noah has fully embraced the Franciscan value of service. While in high school, Noah led a club known as Two Steps, which aims to help close the socioeconomic gap by providing free, virtual tutoring to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Over the past four years, Two Steps has worked with nearly three hundred students, collected hundreds of books, and organized numerous live events for tutors to meet their students. “It's truly been a blessing to be able to give back to the community and see the impact that this club has had and will continue to have in the coming years,” Noah shares.

Noah has also invested thousands of hours studying martial arts including Taekwondo, Hapkido, and a few others. He recently achieved the international rank of 4th Dan Black Belt after almost four years of preparation for the exam. After this exam, he has spent the past few months giving back and dedicating his time to teaching and assisting other students in reaching their goals. 

When looking back on his time at TFS, Noah fondly cherishes and misses the morning prayer, as well as spending time with friends over lunch at their picnic table. He also attributes much of his character and success to the dedication of Mrs. Moser: “From the very first day, Mrs. Moser not only challenged each of her students to strive for excellence in their work, but she also made herself readily available. With a smile, she welcomed every question, appreciating our curiosity and desire for knowledge. Mrs. Moser left me with skills that empowered me to take greater ownership of my education and learning during my high school years.”

Noah has spent much of the last few months reflecting on his time at TFS and at Raleigh Charter High School. “Often, it's those brief interactions like walking to morning prayer or conversations before school-wide mass that leave a lasting impression,” says Noah. Noah encourages current students at TFS to adopt a growth mindset and not be afraid to ask questions. He adds, “Approach each day with the intention of learning something new, no matter how big or small. There is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be discovered, and what better way to do so than by seeking help from your teachers.” Noah, we can’t wait to see what awaits you in your next adventure at Brown University!

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