Alumni Spotlight: Linh Bach '12

When Linh Bach '12 graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2020, he knew he wanted to do something that would make a difference in his community. While he currently works as a lab supervisor at Mako Medical, he is also pursuing his dream: “My hope and dream is to become a dentist so I can positively impact my community and do my part to make the world a better place.” He is in the process of applying to dental school now. Bach also volunteers as a Sunday school teacher for his church.

Bach attended TFS for his seventh and eighth grade years before going on to graduate from Cardinal Gibbons High School in 2016. During his time at TFS, Bach made lifelong friends that he can still count on. “For me,” says Bach, “TFS meant making the most of the second chances and opportunities afforded to you.” 

TFS’s dedication to faith, academics, and service had an impact on Bach’s life. It instilled a desire in him to serve others and positively impact the world, one person at a time. Particularly, each teacher during his two years at the school helped create such a positive experience for Bach. Bach shares, “I had many spectacular teachers including Mrs. Moser, Mr. Cadran, Mr. Stevens, Mrs. Giannini, Ms. Kowite, Mrs. Harrington and many others.” 

As Bach reflects back on his time at TFS, and looks forward to the future for his life, he wants to impart with students the importance of taking your time and savoring each moment. “Don't try to grow up too fast,” says Bach. “Make the most of your youth because before you know it, you'll be reminiscing on your middle school and high school years like me.”

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