Fall is almost here and we are excited to launch another year of amazing events for our school community. On September 24th the Annual Franciscan Experience will begin and it’s one of the biggest highlights of the year. We have more auction items, students, faculty and friar experiences than ever! The Annual Franciscan Experience is a ten-day event is the school’s largest fundraiser of the year.
Since its inception in 2013, The Franciscan Experience has raised over $400k. In fact, the funds have provided significant support toward campus enrichment. Moreover, they have helped facility upgrades, as well as innovation and educational grants for faculty and staff. Examples of supported projects include:
TFS Music Classroom
Seed funding for the iPad and Chromebook program currently in use by 4-8th graders.
Security Enhancements – Speakers on the field, key fob entries, cameras, etc.
Updated music classroom
Leveled reading room
Playground improvements
Stem Classroom (estimated completion date: Spring 2020)
Many of the ticketed events that are hosted throughout the year can only be purchased during The Franciscan Experience? Events offered this year include:
Last Years Pizza and Bingo Night
October 12, 2019 TFS Adult Social
October 25, 2019 Trunk or Treat
November 9, 2019 Mom’s City Hunt
November 16, 2019 Ladies Evening of Pedicures
January 11, 2020 TFS Night at the Carolina Hurricanes
January 31, 2020 Father/Daughter Dance
February 1, 2020 Mother/Son Dance
February 23, 2020 Father/Son Pro 3:5 Sports Event
February 29, 2020 Mother/Daughter Rollerskating
March 7, 2020 Guys Night Out
March 22, 2020 Mother/Son Bowling
May 30, 2020 Ladies Evening of Pedicures
June 5, 2020 6th and 7th Grade Pool Party
Auction Items
The 2019 Franciscan Experience has over 85 vendors who have donated items and experiences. Many of these vendors have been supporting TFS since the fundraiser began six years ago. Some items included in this year’s auction include:
Friar Jim
Gourmet dinner made by Friar Jim and Mr. Watson in your home.
One week stay at luxury Beach House in Sunset Beach
Four NC State Football Tickets in the Vaughn Towers to the NC State home game vs UNC-Chapel Hill, November 30.
Principal for the day…and all the power that entails!
Father Jim for ½ day…and all the power that entails!
Four tickets to the Carolina Hurricanes game on January 3rd!
Mini-manager for our TFS sports teams! …and so much more!
The fundraising goal for 2019 is $115k. Funds raised this year will go towards athletic field improvements as well as continued support for teacher innovation grants.
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