School Counseling
School Counseling
The counseling program at The Franciscan School aims to support students in having the best school experience possible. There is a school counselor for grades K-5 and grades 6-8. If emotional or social issues negatively impact a student’s ability to learn, the school counselors will work with the student to help him or her succeed.
Counseling for students at The Franciscan School includes individual and small group counseling and classroom guidance lessons. Students may self-refer or be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent.
School counselors are also integral members of a student’s educational team. They assist in providing observations and writing behavioral plans. The counselors consult with teachers and partner with parents to reinforce positive school behaviors and address issues that affect a student’s learning.
In addition, the school counselor serves as a liaison between The Franciscan School and outside resources, including when outside assessment is needed to determine how best to serve a student. After testing, the counselor communicates special needs and appropriate accommodations to the teacher and works with the Educational Support Team to provide support and assistance.